Guide to Acro Dance.

Top 8 – Explained Benefits of Acro Dance

Acro dance a unique combination of different dance styles, because of its unique and blissfill choreographed performances. Offering so many benefits for children including strength, confidence and much more. In modern life Acro dance is getter more and more popular by the day and more studios are implementing this dance style into their programs. What […]

Top 8 – Explained Benefits of Acro Dance Read More »

Everything you need to know about Acro dance with Inspired Acrobatic Academy

We all wonder at some point what talents we own, and if you are asking whether Acro dance is for you this blog post will explain all the ins and outs about Acro. At Inspired Acrobatic Academy we strive to combine passion with discipline to ensure success for all our dancers. Our programs are specifically

Everything you need to know about Acro dance with Inspired Acrobatic Academy Read More »